
Thursday, November 17, 2011

And Next, An Internship with Frank Lloyd Wright

Coming up with an activity to entertain my 4 year old is often a challenge during her brother's homework time.  After school there's lots to accomplish -- dinner to eat, showers to be taken, relaxation to be had, and of course the ever important bedtime.  But this year, homework has made it's way into our nightly rituals and it's staking a claim on a good percentage of the evening routine.

While I'm working on establishing our own household best practices on homework (for another post), I often find it hard to entertain our pre-schooler during this time.  Turning to anything media related is too much of a distraction for the 1st grade scholar, and I often need the time myself to pull together our dinner after a full day at the office. In comes my beloved Pinterest to the rescue.  Whether it's Design, Spaces or Provisions, I love using this site for cataloging fantastic ideas- virtual inspiration at my fingertips. 

On a recent perusal through my Pinterest muses, I noticed a photo of a great activity, perfect for entertaining my 4 year old while improving her innovation skills.  And the best news was that it wasn't something that would send me to the store for a long list of random crafts.  All I needed was a colander and some pipe cleaners.  I gave them both to her and was quite impressed with the modern architecture she produced, and yes the homework could be completed without interruption...

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